The challenge§

Is there a way to check if a constraint is satisfied and acquire its dictionary if it is without forcing the user to define boilerplate instances by hand, like constraint-unions, or use template haskell to generate them, like ifctx?

In other words, is there a way to define

class Optionally c where
  optionalDict :: Maybe (Dict c)

such that Optionally c would always be satisfied for any concrete c, like Typeable, and optionalDict would be Just Dict if constraint c is satisfied at call side, and Nothing otherwise?

I found a solution that I think is interesting and in some sense beautiful (and at the same time an ugly hack).

DISCLAIMER This trick definitely shouldn't be used for anything serious, it's just an abuse of ghc unspecified behaviour. Don't repeat this at home!

NOTE To understand this post you would probably need some familiarity with ghc core, especially with the representation of type classes and instances. This talk by Vladislav Zavialov may be a good introduction.

Constant dictionaries optimization§

As you probably know, ghc is usually very "stubborn" about constraints: once a constraint is introduced as wanted, ghc would either solve it or emit compilation error if it cannot be solved. This is for good, indeed: the behavior ensures that instances defined in other modules would never change current module's behavior (except for overlapping instances, of course).

This makes checking for instance's existence very difficult. One possible solution is to use OVERLAPPING/INCOHERENT pragmas and define one instance of Optionally for each satisfied c

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Optionally c where
  optionalDict = Nothing

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Optionally (Show Int) where
  optionalDict = Just Dict

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Optionally (Show Bool) where
  optionalDict = Just Dict


That way we never introduce c as wanted constraint, but rather just pattern-match on it to determine if we have a dictionary for it. However, this forces us to define an instance of Optionally for each fully instantiated c, which is very boilerplatish. One option is to use template haskell to generate such instances in each module where we use optional constraints, like ifctx does, but I wanted more user-friendly solution.

Despite ghc's "stubbornness", there are still some cases when ghc behaves differently depending on wanted constraint being satisfied, so that these both cases don't cause compilation error. One of such cases is the constraint dictionaries optimizations, enabled by -fsolve-constant-dicts (or simply -O): when it is enabled, ghc prefers to solve a constraint with a top-level dictionary rather than local one passed to a function.

For example in

test :: Eq Integer => Dict (Eq Integer)
test = Dict

ghc with -fsolve-constant-dicts would just ignore passed constraint and use top-level $fEqInteger instead, producing the following core

test1 :: Dict (Eq Integer)
test1 = Dict $fEqInteger

test :: Eq Integer => Dict (Eq Integer)
test = \ _ -> test1

In case of unsatisfied constraint, like Eq (Integer -> Integer) there is no top-level dictionary available, so ghc is forced to use given dictionary, thus

test :: Eq (Integer -> Integer) => Dict (Eq (Integer -> Integer))
test = Dict

would result in

test :: Eq (Integer -> Integer) => Dict (Eq (Integer -> Integer))
test = Dict

(Ab)using this fact we can check if a constraint is satisfied by defining such test function, passing a bottom-valued dictionary to it and checking if an exception occurs. If it did, the constraint is probably unsatisfied, otherwise we will get a Dict of it.

Of course, making optionalDict accept c => Dict c explicitly would make api awful - every caller of function that uses an optional constraint would need to pass Dict as an argument to it. Luckily, we can make this argument implicit with help of QuantifiedConstraints - constraint solving for them would apply the same optimization if possible, for example in

test :: ((Eq Integer => Eq Integer) => r) -> r
test f = f

ghc would again ignore Eq Integer and pass \_ -> $fEqInteger to f

test1 :: Eq Integer => Eq Integer
test1 = \ _ -> $fEqInteger

test :: forall r . ((Eq Integer => Eq Integer) => r) -> r
test = \ (@ r) (f :: (Eq Integer => Eq Integer) => r) -> f test1

Also note that despite its name -fsolve-constant-dicts isn't limited to using constant, i.e. top-level, dictionaries. It would also use less-deeply bound dictionaries instead of more deep ones, for example in

test :: Eq c => ((Eq c => Eq c) => r) -> r
test f = f

Eq c passed to test would be used to solve Eq c => Eq c required for f

test :: forall c r . Eq c => ((Eq c => Eq c) => r) -> r
test = \ (@ c) (@ r) ($dEq :: Eq c) (f :: (Eq c => Eq c) => r) -> f (\ _ -> $dEq)

Hiding the truth with .hs-boot files§

Now we roughly understand that the definition of Optionally c should be something of form g => c where c can be always solved using g. An obvious choice would be c => c, but such constraint loops the typechecker, leading to too many iterations errors. The solution is to wrap given constraint into constraint-level newtype, Hold:

class c => Hold c
instance c => Hold c

Now Optionally would be just a synonym for Hold c => c. When -fsolve-constant-dicts is active and there is a dictionary for c in scope such constraint would be solved with \_ -> cDict, and $p1Hold, a selector that extracts the first superclass of Hold, otherwise.

But adding such constraint to optionalDict would immediately reveal a simple problem: the constraint Hold c => c is in fact redundant, thus ghc would never use dictionary that is passed to optionalDict. Instead it would use top-level $p1Hold to solve all such constraint, completely ignoring that passed dictionary.

To illustrate, for

useHold :: forall c . (Hold c => c) => Dict (Hold c) -> Dict c
useHold = sub @(Hold c) @c

sub :: (a => b) => Dict a -> Dict b
sub Dict = Dict

generated core would be

useHold :: forall (c :: Constraint). (Hold c => c) => Dict (Hold c) -> Dict c
useHold = \ (@ c) _ (d :: Dict (Hold c)) -> case c of Dict i -> Dict (i `cast` <Co:2>)

Notice how the dictionary for Hold c => c in useHold's definition is simply ignored. We really don't want this to happen - after all, the whole idea is to distinguish satisfied constraints from unsatisfied ones by looking at the passed dictionary for Hold c => c. At the moment we are always dealing with $p1Hold, which gives us no information at all.

To prevent ghc from dropping the constraint we need to hide the fact that c is the superclass of Hold c, so that ghc wouldn't be able to solve Hold c => c with $p1Hold at the definition of Optionally. However it should be available at the call side as we need Hold c => c would always be satisfied there. Thus, the goal is to make ghc forget that c is the supreclass of Hold c when defining Optionally, but leave that information available at call side.

I don't know any way to control exporting of superclasses (and doubt that one could exist), but there is another terrible hack option: instead of making ghc forget about Hold's superclass we would make ghc not-yet-know about it by putting forward declaration of Hold without its superclass into .hs-boot file.

The module defining Optionally would {-# SOURCE #-}-import Hold so that it would be an abstract class without any information about superclasses available, whereas at the use side Hold would be imported normally and Hold c => c would be trivial.

The whole thing looks something like that

-- Data/Constraint/Optional/Hold.hs-boot

class Hold (c :: Constraint)

-- Data/Constraint/Optional/Impl.hs

import {-# SOURCE #-} Data.Constraint.Optional.Hold

useHold :: forall c . (Hold c => c) => Dict (Hold c) -> Dict c
useHold = sub @(Hold c) @c

sub :: (a => b) => Dict a -> Dict b
sub Dict = Dict

-- Data/Constraint/Optional/Hold.hs

import Data.Constraint.Optional.Impl

class c => Hold c
instance c => Hold c

Now useHold uses Hold c => c constraint as expected:

useHold :: forall (c :: Constraint) . (Hold c => c) => Dict (Hold c) -> Dict c
useHold = \ (@ c) (d :: Hold c => c) -> sub d

unsafeCoerce 'em all§

Now we need to check if passed constraint actually uses Hold c argument by passing a bottom-valued dictionary to it and checking if an exception occurs. If it doesn't, we would get Dict c and return it, otherwise the constraint is probably unsatisfied and we return Nothing.

In other words, we need undefined and seq but for constraints, i.e.

errorDict :: Dict c
errorDict = Dict undefined

forceDict :: Dict c -> ()
forceDict (Dict d) = d `seq` ()

Of course, haskell doesn't let us manipulate constraints directly, but there is nothing a couple of unsafeCoerces couldn't do:

newtype Gift c a = Gift { unGift :: c => a }

data NoInstanceError = NoInstanceError
  deriving stock Show
  deriving anyclass Exception

errorDict :: Dict c
errorDict = unsafeCoerce (Gift Dict :: Gift c (Dict c)) (throw NoInstanceError)

forceDict :: forall c . Dict c -> ()
forceDict Dict = unGift @c $ unsafeCoerce (`seq` ())

NOTE Some explanations of this trick can be found here or here.

This gives exactly the core we wanted:

ex :: SomeException
ex = $fExceptionNoInstanceError_$ctoException NoInstanceError

errorDict2 :: Any
errorDict2 = raise# ex

errorDict1 :: forall (c :: Constraint). Dict Any
errorDict1 = \ (@ c) -> Dict errorDict2

errorDict :: forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
errorDict = errorDict1 `cast` <Co:24>

forceDict :: forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c -> ()
  = \ (@ c) (d :: Dict c) ->
      case d of { Dict c ->
      case c `cast` <Co:15> of { __DEFAULT -> () }

NOTE In fact, there is a problem with this implementation of forceDict: if c is represented with newtype, e.g. is a single method class, forceDict would force that method instead of forcing the dictionary. It would be very bad if method is bottom or expensive to compute. I don't see any way to fix it so I would just hope that this case is corner enough to ignore.

The rest of the owl§

Now the definition of optionalDict is pretty straightforward

optionalDict :: forall c . Optionally c => Maybe (Dict c)
optionalDict = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ catch
  do evaluate (forceDict c) $> Just c
  do \NoInstanceError -> pure Nothing
    c :: Dict c
    c = sub @(Hold c) @c errorDict
-- I'm not sure if this NOINLINE is really needed, but there is 'errorDict' inside
-- so I want to be sure that ghc wouldn't pass that dictionary somewhere else.
{-# NOINLINE optionalDict #-}

Instead of working with optionalDict directly it is often simpler to use some combinators defined in terms of it, e.g.

isSatisfied :: forall c . Optionally c => Bool
isSatisfied = isJust $ optionalDict @c

maybeC :: forall c r . Optionally c => r -> (c => r) -> r
maybeC d a = maybe d (\Dict -> a) $ optionalDict @c

tryC :: forall c r . Optionally c => (c => r) -> Maybe r
tryC a = optionalDict @c <&> \Dict -> a

And indeed they would work:

class Foo
instance Foo

class Bar

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ isSatisfied @Foo
  print $ isSatisfied @Bar

  print $ tryC @(Show Bool) $ show True
  print $ tryC @(Show (Int -> Int)) $ show $ id @Int

would print

Just "True"

Late resolution for optional constraints§

However there is a serious problem with the code as is: as Hold is non-{-# SOURCE #-} imported in user's code, Hold c => c constraint is trivial and is solved as soon as possible, meaning there is no way to define a new function with Optionally constraint - it would be solved immediately as trivial, and optionalDict would always be Nothing.

For example, we cannot move combinators defined above to the Main module. Likewise, there is no way to define tryShow to abstract pattern in the code above - such functions would always return Nothing.

In fact, there is two possible behaviors of optional constraints we can implement here:

  • Optional constraints may be solved only when constraint is fully instantiated with concrete types, like Typeable, so is is possible to judge accurately about its satisfiability. Sadly, that means that c no longer implies Optionally c, which is kind of weird.

  • Optional constraints may be solved immediately if not written explicitly in type signatures, like HasCallStack, solving constraint as unsatisfied if it couldn't be solved in its current form.

Following the specification given at the beginning of this post, I would implement the first option, because eager solving means that let-binding some subexpression can change behavior of the program, for example with foo = bar, foo may behave differently than bar which I really want to avoid.

The goal is thus to delay solving of Hold c => c constraints until c is fully instantiated.

Let me begin with defining a constraint synonym for Hold c => c

class (Hold c => c) => Optionally c where
instance (Hold c => c) => Optionally c where

Now we just need a way to prevent Optionally from reducing to Hold c => c as long as possible. Sounds familiar? That's exactly what opaque constraint synonyms trick does!

The solution is to introduce an overlapping instance for Optionally

class Dummy where
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Hold Dummy => Dummy) => Optionally Dummy where

NOTE It is possible to use INCOHERENT instead of OVERLAPPING here - that way we would have eager solving of optional constraint as described above.

Now ghc cannot reduce Optionally c to Hold c => c until c is fully instantiated, because ghc does not know which instance should it choose (even though they are completely equivalent).

But in our case it is not enough: this instance prevents only Optionally c from being solved. Something like Optionally (Show a) would be expanded as Show a does not overlap with Dummy.

Luckily, this can be solved with some more dummy instances like this

data family Any :: k

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Hold (f (g Any)) => f (g Any)) => Optionally (f (g Any)) where
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Hold (f (g Any a)) => f (g Any)) => Optionally (f (g Any a)) where

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Hold (f (g Any) z) => f (g Any) z) => Optionally (f (g Any) z) where
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (Hold (f (g Any a) z) => f (g Any a) z) => Optionally (f (g Any a) z) where

Those instances are enough to make complex constraints like Optionaly (Show a), Optionally (Show [a]), Optionally (MonadReader r m) ambiguous.

I really hope that nobody uses classes or types with more than 10 type parameters, so I've just generated 100 such instances with CPP.

UPDATE Unfortunately, these instances are not enough to make constraints involving deeply nested types ambiguous, for example Optionally (Show [[a]]) would be resolved immediately even with dummy instances above. To make such constraints ambiguous we need more dummy instances with deeper nesting of Any, like Optionally (f (g1 (g2 Any))), Optionally (f (g1 (g2 Any x))), etc.

After we update optionalDict and helpers to use Optionally, we can easily write functions like

tryShow :: forall a . Optionally (Show a) => a -> Maybe String
tryShow a = tryC @(Show a) $ show a

in Main and the resolution of Optionally (Show a) would be delayed until a would be instantiated with some concrete type, so tryShow can be used like this

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ tryShow True
  print $ tryShow $ id @Int

to get

Just "True"

Late resolution of optional constraints is in my opinion a good default, but solving them eagerly can be useful too, so we can provide functions to give or discard Optionally constraint manually

newtype GiftQ c d a = GiftQ { unGiftQ :: (c => d) => a }

give :: forall c r . c => (Optionally c => r) -> r
give f = unGiftQ @(Hold c) @c $ unsafeCoerce (Gift @(Optionally c) f)

discard :: forall c r . (Optionally c => r) -> r
discard f = unGiftQ @(Hold c) @c $ unsafeCoerce (Gift @(Optionally c) f)

NOTE This way we could also define resolve to turn Hold c => c into Optionally c, but it would have an unpredictible behaviour, e.g. Show a wouldn't imply Optionally (Show [a]), so I prefer to omit it here.

Dangers of Hold c => c§

Playing with the implementation, I found an interesting case: what do you think would ghc say if we would write incorrect version of tryShow like this:

tryShow :: forall a . Optionally (Show a) => a -> String
tryShow = show

You probably would expect this function to give Could not deduce (Show a) ... error, but in fact this code typechecks and with main above prints

optionally-example: <<loop>>

This was really confusing but after some struggling I found out that given the constraint Hold c => c ghc willingly derives c! Using that trick we can "prove" absolutely anything with code like

class c => Hold c where
instance c => Hold c where

data Dict c = c => Dict

anythingDict :: Dict c
anythingDict = go
    go :: (Hold c => c) => Dict c
    go = Dict

Of course, it is impossible to get a dictionary for any class out of nothing, so generated code simply loops:

Rec {
$dHold_rxi :: forall {c :: Constraint}. Hold c
$dHold_rxi = $dHold_rxi
end Rec }

anythingDict :: forall (c :: Constraint). Dict c
anythingDict = \ (@c) -> Dict ($dHold_rxi `cast` <Co:2>)

That is in fact a bug in ghc: it isn't supposed to produce a bottom-valued dictionaries, yet with UndecidableSuperClasses and QuantifiedConstraints it's possible to force ghc to construct one.

Luckily in our case there it a simple workaround: the problematic constraint Hold c => c is available in tryShow as the superclass of Optionally c, but it doesn't really have to be one. Instead, we can store that constraint wrapped in Dict as a method of Optionally:

data HoldDict c = (Hold c => c) => HoldDict

class Optionally c where
  optionallyHoldDict :: HoldDict c

Now to access Hold c => c constraint one should explicitly match on optionallyHoldDict's result, which is impossible for user to do as it isn't exported. With everything updated to match these changes, incorrect version of tryShow above would be rejected with Could not deduce (Show a) as expected, whereas the correct version would work as it used to.


I don't think this trick should be ever used in practice due to the number of shortcomings:

  • It relies heavily on ghc's -fsolve-constant-dicts optimizations. While representation of instances as dictionaries and reflection trick is in my opinion reliable enough, the fact that ghc prefers global dictionaries to local one isn't, and in fact the whole thing wouldn't work with -O0 unless -fsolve-constant-dicts is explicitly enabled.

  • It break on newtype-represented classes if bottom is stored as a method, as mentioned above. For example, with the code below isSatisfied @Foo would result in exception thrown instead of True.

class Foo where foo :: ()
instance Foo where foo = undefined
  • It doesn't work with ~.

  • It introduces some overhead: even if optionalDict would be inlined (which I'm not sure is safe), it uses unsafeDupablePerformIO and unsafeCoerce which would likely prevent further optimizations.

  • It breaks the open world assumption: if there exists an unimported orphan instance for c, it would not be detected by optionalDict. This seems to be a general problem of optional constraints rather than this specific approach through.

  • And probably some another problems I'm not aware of yet.


I think this all is as awful as fun. Awfun.

@effectfully, automatically detecting and instantiating polymorphism

This quote perfectly describes how do I feel about this trick: it is elegant and beautiful in some way, but at the same time it's terrible.

Still, taking this as a challenge it was really interesting to make it work, and hope you enjoyed reading about it despite my writing being a mess.

Final code as well as some usage examples can be found at github.